
Spicy Shack Meister


Spicy Shack Meister At Shake Shack

Shake Shack’s menu includes classic American fast food with a modern twist. The Spicy Shack Meister, priced at $10.09, is for those who like spicy food. This burger features a 100% Angus beef patty seasoned with Shake Shack’s hot pepper blend. It’s topped with onions, cherry peppers, and ShackSauce, delivering a flavorful experience. This spicy burger is for those looking for something different.

Shake Shack is known for its high-quality ingredients and creative recipes. The Spicy Shack Meister burger is not just spicy; it’s also a good source of protein and calories. However, it contains allergens like milk, eggs, wheat, soy, and sesame.


The patty is made with 100% Angus beef, spiced with a Shake Shack hot pepper blend, topped with onions, cherry peppers, and ShackSauce. It costs $7.99.


Milk, Eggs, Wheat, Soy, Sesame, Gluten

Calories of Source

Spicy Shack Meister At Shake Shack Calories


Total Fat   44 g
Saturated Fat16 g
Trans Fat 1 g
Cholesterol 115 mg
Sodium 1900 mg
Total Carbohydrates  36 g
Fiber 00
Sugars 8 g
Protein  31 g