Black & White Shake

Black & White Shake


Black & White Shake At Shake Shack

The Black & White Shake is a popular choice at Shake Shack. Priced at $6.99, it’s made with 1/3 cup whole milk, 1/4 cup chocolate syrup, and 11 ounces of vanilla ice cream, making it a creamy treat for shake lovers.

Shake Shack’s Black & White Shake is not only delicious but also quite substantial in nutritional terms. It contains 770 calories, 42 grams of total fat, 245 mg of cholesterol, and 460 mg of sodium. It’s important to note that this shake contains allergens like milk and eggs.


1/3 cup whole milk
1/4 cup chocolate syrup
11 ounces vanilla ice cream


Milk ,Eggs ,Vegetarian

Calories of Source

Black & White Shake Calories


Calories 770
Total Fat   42 g
Saturated Fat26 g
Trans Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 245 mg
Sodium 460 mg
Total Carbohydrates  80 g
Fiber 0
Sugars 76 g
Protein  19 g