Viva’s Cinnamon Roll Shake

Viva’s Cinnamon Roll Shake


Viva’s Cinnamon Roll Shake At Shake Shack

Shake Shack’s Viva’s Cinnamon Roll Shake is a crowd favorite. It’s a cinnamon roll frozen custard swirled with golden icing and topped with whipped cream and gold confetti.

This shake is a treat with 730 calories, 36 grams of fat, and 83 grams of sugar. It’s for special occasions and contains allergens like milk and eggs. It’s a vegetarian option for dessert lovers.


Hand-spun cinnamon roll frozen custard swirled with gold frosting, topped with whipped cream and gold confetti.


Milk ,Eggs ,Vegetarian

Calories of Source

Viva’s Cinnamon Roll Shake Calories


Total Fat   36 g
Saturated Fat22 g
Trans Fat 1 g
Cholesterol 235 mg
Sodium 550 mg
Total Carbohydrates  85 g
Fiber 0
Sugars 83 g
Protein  17 g