
Poppy’s Sugar Cookie Shake


Poppy’s Sugar Cookie Shake At Shake Shack

One of the most popular items currently on the menu is Poppy’s Sugar Cookie Shake, priced at $5.49. This special shake combines the sweet, nostalgic flavors of a sugar cookie into a rich, creamy beverage topped with cookie dough candy, whipped cream, and a sprinkling of cotton candy. It’s a treat for the eyes as well as the taste buds.

Poppy’s Sugar Cookie Shake is a popular, 950-calorie shake with ingredients that might trigger allergies. It’s suitable for vegetarians. The shake has 245 grams of fat, 30 grams of saturated fat, 117 grams of sugar, and 19 grams of protein. It’s a filling option for those looking to indulge.


Poppy’s Sugar Cookie Shake is made with a sugar cookie-flavored base, cookie dough candy, whipped cream, and cotton candy.


Milk ,Eggs , Soy ,Vegetarian

Calories of Source

Poppy’s Sugar Cookie Shake Calories


Total Fat   245 g
Saturated Fat30 g
Trans Fat 1 g
Cholesterol 245 mg
Sodium 840 mg
Total Carbohydrates  120 g
Fiber 0
Sugars 117 g
Protein  19 g