
Vanilla Shake


Vanilla Shake At Shake Shack

Shake Shack offers the Vanilla Shake for $6.99. This shake blends rich vanilla ice cream with milk and a hint of vanilla to create a creamy, indulgent treat. It’s a simple yet satisfying option that appeals to vanilla lovers everywhere.

The Vanilla Shake isn’t just about taste, it comes with a full nutritional breakdown. It contains 680 calories, 36 grams of total fat, 22 grams of saturated fat, and provides 18 grams of protein per serving. It’s important to note that this shake contains allergens like milk and eggs, but is suitable for vegetarians.


Vanilla ice cream, milk, and vanilla.


Milk ,Eggs ,Vegetarian

Calories of Source

Vanilla Shake Calories


Calories 680
Total Fat   36 g
Saturated Fat22 g
Trans Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 235 mg
Sodium 430 mg
Total Carbohydrates  72 g
Fiber 0
Sugars 71 g
Protein  18 g